Current State Analysis

When comparing DANA’s investment feature to other investment-focused apps such as Bibit and Pluang, there are a few key differences.

Bibit and Pluang are standalone investment platforms that allow users to invest in a range of investment products.

On the other hand, while DANA’s investment feature may not offer the same range of investment products as Bibit and Pluang, DANA’s investment feature is integrated into its digital wallet platform, which means users can invest their money without having to switch between different app.

Trend for Mutual funds

The growing trend of mutual funds in Indonesia suggests that there is a potential opportunity for DANA to tap into this market, as many DANA users may be interested in investing in mutual funds due to their potential for higher returns.

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Product Vision & Roadmap

Aligned with DANA’s ambition in realizing their vision for a financially inclusive, financially literate, and cashless society in Indonesia, we are planning to create a feature that enables users to buy mutual funds through its app. The benefit for users is the ability to invest their money easily integrating with DANA’s e-wallet, without the need of having separate investment app.

Currently DANA has an existing partnership with Pluang for their gold investment feature (eMAS), which has been successful for enabling users to easily invest in digital gold (289% increase in transaction per Q3 2022).

Given the success of the DANA-Pluang partnership, we could explore a similar partnership with Pluang for the mutual fund feature, which they already offers various of mutual funds on their original app that could be integrated into the DANA app to provide users with a wide range of investment options.

The product roadmap will be divided into two phases;

MVP 1: To enable DANA users to easily invest in a range of mutual funds through the DANA app