Problem statement

Spotify has always been designed as a single-user experience, as we do not support user-to-user social interaction directly in-app, but as times passed we received many requests from users (Spotify Community) expressing their need to share songs directly within the app.


Proposed Solution

User Stories

User Story Group User Story UI/UX
Home Page As a user, I’m able to see the messaging feature on tabs.

Acceptance criteria: Users are shown a new “friends” tab. | | | Friends Page | As a user, I’m able to find my friends once I click the friends tab.

Acceptance criteria: Users are shown their lists of friends. | | | Friends Chat Page | As a user, I’m able to chat with my friends once I click one of my friends.

Acceptance criteria: Users are able to send message on the Friends chat page | | | Pick a Song Menu | As a user, I’m able to pick a song to send via +play button on the messaging bar.

Acceptance criteria: Users are shown +play button which allows them to pick a song to send. | | | Pick a Song Menu | As a user, I’m able to send the song once I have already chosen it.

Acceptance criteria: Users are shown “send” button once the user has already picked a song | | | Friends Chat Page | As a user, I’m able to see that I had already sent a song to my friend.

Acceptance criteria: Users are shown the song menu in the chat. | |

Stakeholder Impact

For User For Spotify
Can now interact (send messages, share songs with their friends) within the app Potentially drive user retention which would lead to an increase in revenue by encouraging more users to subscribe to Spotify premium.

Performance Framework
