Problem Statement

To summarize the problem statement:

Who, What, Why, How Brief description Description
I am Surabaya buyer, Loves buying electronic devices A buyer in Surabaya interested in buying electronic devices.
I am trying to Support local businesses, Faster delivery Purchase these devices locally to enjoy the benefits of faster and cheaper delivery than buying from sellers in other cities (intercity).
But High local prices I find that buying electronic devices locally in Surabaya is often more expensive than buying from sellers in other cities (intercity).
Because Uncompetitive pricing Local sellers in Surabaya are unable to offer competitive pricing to sellers from other cities. The price difference, even after including delivery, and insurance cost, makes purchasing from other cities more effective.
Which makes me feel Disappointed, Frustrated Disappointed and frustrated, I want to support local businesses and take the advantage of cheaper & quicker delivery times, but the higher costs of the product makes me choose buying from sellers from other cities to save money.


User Persona

Name: Reid Hoffman | Age: 30 | Based in: Surabaya | Job: Product Designer

Behavior: Occasionally buys electronic devices online, prefers buying online due variety of options, and cheaper prices.

Challenge: Struggling to find a balance between cost, convenience, and supporting local businesses

Goal: Make more local purchases without feeling like he’s paying more for the same product.

Proposed Solution

To address the issue of the price gap, our strategy is to encourage Surabaya sellers that have joined Power Merchant / Official Store to provide discounts to their products. In exchange we will provide them with increased product visibility.